Thursday, October 9, 2008

From the dept of the bleeding obvious...

IBM's tech marketing guys just put up a page on how to optimize your app using Lapack. Oh really??.. Can we have a page about kittens too ?

I'm not sure they realize how lame this is, nor do they understand they it betrays a level of ignorance about HPC that is quite astounding. LAPACK is a sort of HPC Rorshach test.. it's main use is for the HPL benchmark, and although some solvers do use those routines, most don't.

Whenever I deal with a company in the HPC space, and they get all exited about LAPACK and other libraries, I start the countdown until they do out of business. Now, there's no danger of IBM getting out of the HPC space, since because of BlueGene and P series, they're one of the few companies making money in this space. But it's depressing to see such an unsophisticated and prosaic piece from them.

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