Thursday, August 28, 2008

The virtue of Blind Faith

Blind Faith were the first "Supergroup", yada, yada.

Important for two reasons: firstly in the 60's there were 4 great rock drummers: Ringo, Moon, Mitch Mitchell and Ginger Baker (John Bonham really didn't arrive until the 70s), and Ginger might have been the most Jazz oriented of the lot. Unfortunately, this was his last good recording until 1986.

Second, with Blind Faith, Clapton made the transition to Fenders from Gibsons. Here he's playing a Telecaster like Muddy Waters. He would end up being forever associated with Stratocasters (Blackie), even though his most important recordings with Mayall & Cream were all done with Gibsons.

Anyway, it's amazing to me that an album with only 2 great songs ("Find my way home" and "Presence of the Lord"), was so lauded, but as I mentioned before with the Zappa clip, it was a time when Rock musicians were starting to be treated as artists, and encouraged to experiment and collaborate, even if their milieu was based on a more traditional form (in this case Blues). It's a shame they only recorded one album together.

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