Saturday, August 30, 2008

In the end we get the president we deserve.

Or at least, the president we collectively think we deserve.

I've had a little more time to ponder the Palin selection, and while I understand the tactical and strategic thinking behind it, I can't help but think that John McCain must be clinically insane. Not Ron Paul, eccentric uncle crazy, but full-blown Sterling Heyden in Strangelove, Martin Sheen in Dead Zone, Heath Ledger as the Joker, batshit deranged psychosis.

After Friday, the stark contrast between him and Barack has never been clearer. The only question in my mind, now, is whether the conservative media will come to their collective senses, and start to understand how dangerous this guy is, stop covering for him, and stop acting as the Republican Party's ventriloquist's dummy.

Look, the rollers will vote for McCain in any event, especially given his VP pick, and they don't care about anything except making the Rapture happen as soon as possible. But the rest of us (actually, the rest of you since I can't vote yet) have a decision to make.

From my point of view, it's an easy choice.

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