Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The coming Civil War

I don't know whether this will be a Cold War, or something more dangerous, but Prop 8 was the first shot of the first battle of this conflict. For the first time I can remember, the Gay community has basically said enough is enough to the Mormons.

They're combating the LDS in a way I only thought Republicans did, which is to go after them in court. This could be very damaging to the LDS, as they could lose their Tax Exempt status, maybe even going back a few years. The consequence, though, will probably be to galvanize the Christianists to prevent a similar attack on them.

Prop 8 makes one thing clear: the Rollers aren't about freedom to practice their beliefs, but are focused on forcing the rest of society to follow their lead. Things are only going to heat up.

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