Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why the Republican establishment hates John McCain.

Given how conservative he truly is, and that he was a member of the Keating five, anointing him with the prerequisite mark of corruption, you'd be forgiven for thinking that John McCain would be hailed as a inevitable member of the New Republican party's inner circle. But that's not the case..

McCain's unacceptability to the Delays and Limbaughs of the Republican party stems from one thing only: John McCain championed campaign reform at a time when the overwhelming impulse of the Republicans was to press their fundraising advantage, consolidate and cement their power in the legislature, and to make it as difficult as possible for the Democratic party to ever regain it. For that act he is viewed as a turncoat by the Republican establishment.

Republican politics is simply the Senior High School pecking order rendered through the political prism. You're either part of the PepSquad/CheerSquad/Football team, or you're not. If you're not, then you're a geek/wierdo/democrat/outsider, and you should be shunned, bullied or mumiliated. John McCain's sense of honor prevents him from being a bully, and for that sin he is shunned.

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