Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Warren inauguration benediction.

The LGBT community is all in a tizzy about Rick Warren being invited to lead prayers at the Obama inauguration. I understand the outrage, but in the grand scheme of things this will help them.

Why? because, by giving Warren this opportunity, Obama is essentially anointing him as the reader of the Christianist movement at a time, because of the Republican election failures, that group has a massive leadership void. This preemptive move essentially forces the Dobsons and Robertsons out of the picture, and neuters their power.

Why does this matter ? Because despite the fact that Warren is infact almost as homophobic and hateful as the old Christianist guard, he isn't as vitriolic, nor is he much of a power broker or political animal. And that means that when Obama pushes through his proposals for ending DADT and other anti-gay legislation, the opposition will be much weaker than it would be now.

IMHO, the LGBT community needs to stop getting outraged by symbolic acts, and needs to focus on getting it's shit together to move it's own agenda forward. You only have to look at the total amateurish effort to defeat Prop 8, here in California, to see that. At the end of the day, those actual political battles are more important.

Still, that's not to say that the LGBT people shouldn't play hardball against the Mormons, Evangelists and the rest of the religious right. By all means go after the Rollers' tax status, planning, construction and other permits, and make them feel some financial/legal pain.

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