Thursday, January 17, 2008

This technology will change the world...

Sometimes you get breakthroughs in technology that are just amazingly important.

Why is the 40 hr laptop battery important? It isn't, for that use, but this kind of battery now makes electric vehicles truly practical. And it makes the use of transient local energy generation sources like individual windmills & solar practical, because you can store the energy you gather, in a bigger amount for much longer. If you lived somewhere like Boulder Creek, this could insulate someone from the effects of extended power outs.

Combine this technology with an overhaul of the energy distribution system in this country, which is amazingly inefficient and wasteful, and with a serious, scientific and practical energy policy, and the US could easily achieve the goal of energy self sufficiency. Of course, between the Oil companies, and Stanford's greedy intellectual property tendencies, enough barriers could be raised for this to take a while.

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